The first post that will tell you all basic information about this club is: here

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ameba Pico Server Maintenance- Hackers? and H.A.R.T.

As I write this, I cannot access Ameba Pico. The screen turns to gray. Is it maintenance to sweep off the hackers from Pico? Or is it the hackers themselves? This question shall remain unanswered for now. Now, on another topic, the H.A.R.T. club is getting kind of slow. It seems we have abandoned the old club. But, dear members, we must try to resurrect it! But how? Any suggestions are open, please just contact me, Mel Molly. And I will put my email up soon for further contact on this website.


  1. It was because a guy was hacking the casino and the had to shut down and delete him quick.

  2. I KNOW! DIG A HOLE! Works every time :D.
